CPI Upgrades HQ Hosting Center

CPI OpenFox SaaS / Hosting Center upgrade banner

CPI’s software and support are trusted by more Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Agencies than any other company. As a part of CPI’s continual efforts to keep our systems and services up to date, our virtualization infrastructure software was upgraded to the latest versions early this week.  These upgrades included lower and higher-level software sets across the servers which comprise our Development, Test and Production environments which provide our Software as a Service (SaaS) customers with service.  Our SaaS customers experienced zero downtime and zero impact during the upgrades.

Software as a service (SaaS) is a way of providing centrally hosted OpenFox® software applications licensed through a subscription model. Instead of installing and maintaining software, you simply access it via a secure telecommunication infrastructure, freeing yourself from complex software and hardware management   

